Thursday 2 June 2011

Make up Bag Mk 2

Here's make up bag mk2.. well actually it was mk1 I did it before mum's zipper make up bag but never got round to blogging it.. this one's mine and seems to be getting multipurposed, it's the perfect size for a make up bag or a small clutch for a night out.
I made it using Amie from Kitty Cats and Airplanes tutorial that she posted over on Better Life Bags back in January (here's the tutorial link).
I made the size dimensions suit me a little better than the original as my poor blackberry would have never fitted in with my purse or camera lol. I just love the chunky black button I found in my stash to seal the bag, think it's off an old coat I threw out years ago actually. Ok so the sewing isn't perfect but it was the first project I had a proper crack at when I bought the new sewing machine... I'm just chuffed that I made such a good job of the button hole, never done that before!


Just Jaime said...

Cute! Love the lace!

Anonymous said...

This is really beautiful. I love the color of the fabric on the inside, so rich! THanks for linking up!

Rachael@LovelyCraftyHome said...

So pretty! I love the color of the liner with the pattern on the outside. Thanks for linking up :)

Unknown said...

I've been meaning to make one of these! Yours turned out quite pretty!!! Thanks for sharing on Fancy This Fridays!!!

Bethany @ A Fish Who Likes Flowers said...

This is so pretty!! I love the lace.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty little bag. I love it! Hi! I found your site through the Tuesday Time-Out Hop. Please come follow me back at:

Thanks and have a great Tuesday!

Chef in Training said...

this is so pretty! I love it! I am a huge fan of lace and think your bag is beautiful! I found your blog through a link party and i LOVE it! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would check out my blog and follow my blog too! Thanks!

Cecily said...

Oh I love it! Great job - it's beautiful!

Kathy said...

This looks very good - love the fabrics and the button and buttonhole are fantastic!
Great job,

Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things} said...

Very cute!
Thank you so much for linking this up to {nifty thrifty things} last week!
I hope to see you again tomorrow! ;)

Katie said...

I love the lace in this make up bag! Thank you for linking up to Sew Woodsy last week. We hope you'll come back today and link up another craft project!

c.w.frosting said...

Oh this is so pretty! I just made a button pouch to wrap a gift but it's held together with hot glue so won't hold up to much use =) Visiting & following from the Thrifty Thursday blog hop.

-caroline @ c.w.frosting

Rebecca @ Better Life Bags said...

Steph - great job! Glad you were about to use Amie's tutorial! It looks great... lovely.
