
Thursday 3 April 2008

Another champagne card

So I've managed to get the third card of my friend's order done, now for the final more difficult one. I've decided I'm going to do a watering can card as it seems apt for a botany prof who's a keen gardener.
I think the champagne cards are obviously a hit with my friends and family as my mum has asked me to make a champagne card for her boss' 40th. Damn soon I'm going to have to go and buy more green card, i only put a few sheets into my papermill box thinking I wouldn't really use it very often, oh how wrong I was!
Anyway off to do some of that gloomy revision as I have a horrible electronics exam 2mo afternoon :S wish me luck I'll need it ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hope your Exam went ok, Love this champagne bottle card


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