
Wednesday 7 May 2008

Funky Fairy and Tilda & Co Challenge

Just made my cards for this weeks Funky Fairy challenge and Tilda & Co challenge. Both can count towards funky fairy as they are both dotty (using some of my free papers of course), but the yellow one was primarily created for the Tilda & Co decoupage challenge for this week. Once again the new watercolour pencil set were dragged out to colour me in some more stamp images, still loving my latest purchase! Didn't think the brads showed out very well on the black and white card when i first did it, so i added the big white circles to make the lil silver brads stand out a bit more, think it looks better now, and also it's for more dots to the card ;) On my yellow card I've decoupaged a tilda stamp where she's carrying a basket of flowers, this card also eeded something extra when i finsihed it so that's why the butterflies are there, but i think this card has a great summer feel to it to match the lush weather here today :)


  1. Fantastic cards again! I always always always lurve black and white :o)

    Thanks for joining in with us again this week xxx

  2. They are both great cards and so different.

    Thanks for joining in the Funky Fairy challenge again.

  3. Great cards, love the contrast between the two.

  4. Great cards ! Love them both :)
    Thanks for joining us this week!
    Shaz x

  5. Two lovely cards! Very cheerful looking :0)

    Thanks for joining us again this week x

  6. The black and white card is fantastic.
    Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. H has settled better tonight, so actually on the computer and done an ATC!
    Lovely blog, will be back for a better look soon.
    Vicky x
    (fellow 18 sister)

  7. Gorgeous cards - love the black and white one xx

  8. Very "Dotty" cards - well done.

    Many thanks for joining in again this week.

  9. Love that black and white card, and your pig and the Audi plus the jewellery, in fact love your blog.
    Thanks for your kind comment on my blog.
    Have a great weekend sister, don,t wear yourself out cardmaking.
    Hugs Jacqui x


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