
Sunday 8 June 2008

Modeer Karkara

No i haven't gone totally mad and the sun hasn't gotten the better of me today.....the text on this card makes sense if you understand a tad of arabic lol... one of the guys i go to uni with is libyan and it's his birthday tomorrow so i've made him a card of an aircraft he works on and some relevant titles for him... 'modeer' means boss, manager, chief etc and karkara is his fathers name...the other libyan guy at uni told me to put these things on here as apparently it's very respectful and lovdly to put on a card... he's the boss of an aircraft maintainance place at a libyan airport by the way and the other guy is one of his staff lol :)


  1. Really thoughtful of you, i'm sure he will be touched. x

  2. Hello again lol you've been tagged.xx


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