
Monday 21 July 2008

BFF award

The rules of this award,

1. Only 5 people allowed.

2. 4 have to be dedicated followers of your blog

3. one has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world.

4. you must link back to whoever gave you the award.quite simple really it is a way of saying thankyou to those who take time out for wonderful comments to boost your day.

Thanks Kerry for this one, not seen it before!

So i nominate.... donna for always looking and asking how i manage to get it all done and uni and work lol... sam for all the comments in the short time since we 'met'... jenny for all her lovely comments on things that inspire her too... hilda for all her kind comments... and for my non UK person... Jutta whose in Berlin who always leaves such nice comments :)


  1. Dear Steph,
    completely many thanks for this Award. I am glad very much about the fact that you have thought to me.
    Many greetings,

  2. Thanks Steph - not seen this award before!!!

  3. congratulations - well done - deserved x

  4. Ah thank you steph, just saw the photo's of Jake he's lovely, i'm hoping your o/h changes his mind about him, fingers crossed for you. x


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