
Friday 11 July 2008

Jewellery order pt 1

So some of you may remember i made a pearl and hematite necklace (and bracelet) for a friend's daughter's 18th birthday... well she's been wearing it lots, even everywhere they went on holiday in new york... and now he has asked me to make 2 more of the necklaces, one for a friend and one for his mum lol... so i'm making them all slightly different so that no one has the same so can wear them at the same time without looking daft... so this one is pearls and hematite oval beads... now i just need my new batch of pearls to arrive so that i can make the second necklace..not sure what shape hematite to use as i've done ovals, stubs and hearts already.... any ideas?


  1. Love the necklace a lovely modern take on a string of pearls. The Typhoon card is cool too my OH would have loved that one for his Birthday as he worked on part of the Typhoon! x


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