
Thursday 31 July 2008

Paper Punches ATC swap

Right here we go, this is for the first bi-monthly ATC swap for the sbs18 girls that has been set up by Deena... this time the theme was to make an ATC using 2 paper punches but they couldn't make a border for your ATC... i only have 2 paper punches and they are little ones from the kiddy craft section in tesco so i had to use bunnies and ducks as part of the background. I've used lime green, bright blue and red inks for the background, blue paper punched shapes and a marvy coloured in image of hamish and now this will be winging it's way off to Deena some time next week :)


  1. love the little punches

    great ATC

  2. Hi Steph, fab ATC, love the background. Just wanted to say 'Hi' and looking forward to getting to know you on the Kaboodle Doodles DT. Kimx

  3. Hi Steph

    What a great ATC and great blog you have. I seem to be following Kim around ! but just wanted to say also "looking forward to working with you on the Kaboodle Doodles DT".

    Take care,

    Jo x

  4. What a fab little atc, I looove it!! Isn't little Hamish with his tractor just darling!! I think i might have to get me this stamp - it reminds me soo much of my little boy, he never seems to go anywhere without a car!!!
    Congratulations on making the design team honey!!!!! I am really looking forward to working with you and getting to know you a little better x x

  5. Great cute ATC. Love this image & the colours.
    Congrats on the Kaboodle Doodles DT, can't wait to work with you & getting to know you better (infact I could just have put ditto to what Zoe wrote above lol) :-)
    Big Hugs

  6. Great ATC Steph! Love this cute little guy with his wrench and his truck! Can't wait to see him up close!

  7. its gorgous with a capital G..


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