
Tuesday 19 August 2008

F is for..... Fairies!

This week's challenge over at ABC challenge is F is for fairies... now had i have known i was getting the lovely goodies from a Spoon Full Of Sugar i would have used those for the project but i had made this when the bits arrived... I've made an ATC for my DT piece...
I've used:
  • ATC size card
  • Gold, yellow, brown and bronze inks for the background
  • 2 eyelets
  • Metallic gold ribbon
  • Rock Hard Fairy image (thanks donna) made 3d with foam pads

So come join in again this week :)


  1. I really love this and so do my boys very goth like.
    Have a great day ( I say that as you are up early and already posting lol)
    Speak soon

  2. Great card, love the fairy!

    they live in the bottom of my garden you know!


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