
Friday 24 October 2008

Project cheer up mum

So as you all know I lost a friend earlier this week, I didn't mention that this lady happened to be my mum's best friend and an old work colleague...she was pretty devasted as you can imagine... so I thought she could with a bit of a pick me up. On my trip to Lebeado today (yes i go there regularly lol) I bought a few extra bits that weren't on my shopping list to make a creation that might just put a smile on her face for a while.
She's hooked on purple at the moment so I scouted around the shop, with the many jars bundled in my arms as always, looking for the right purples to compliment the beautiful pendant I'd picked before I thought out the necklace itself lol. I didn't want to overcrowd it as the chunky beads are quite heavy so I've used little knots to add interest to the empty spaces of the cord.
I've used:
  • Paua flower pendant
  • Purple seude cord
  • 2 Amethyst foil round beads
  • 4 filigree burnished beads
  • Silver clasp and chain
  • Silver jumprings


  1. Hi Steph,
    It's beautiful as always.
    Love to you all at this sad time.
    Jen xxx

  2. gorgeous necklace, esp the paua shell flower! big hug to you and your mom

  3. So lovely. Sorry for the loss of your friend, Steph.

  4. So lovely. Sorry for the loss of your friend, Steph.


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