
Sunday 9 November 2008

New award!

Thanks Jo for this funky new award... why oh why are most of the awards non-english, we need to create new awards people lol!
So now I have to pass it on to 5 others....
  1. Jen
  2. Deena
  3. Vicki
  4. Claire
  5. Mel


  1. Thanks Steph! It's definitely worth an entry! :)

  2. Thank you Stepf - it's very kind of you to think of me - I appreciate it.

  3. Thank you SO much Steph! I agree we need to create more awards. I personally should be awarded the "i'm a jerk cause I never get around to posting my awards, even though I feel so very very honoured by them" award. Think I should make it? heehee. Thanks for making my day in a HUGE way! Hugs, :O) mel


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