
Sunday 11 January 2009

Gold leaf pearl necklace

Here's my entry for this weeks Scrummy Stash Cafe challenge 'New', so I made this necklace... it's not technically new as it's partially made from damaged old accessorize jewellery but it's new as a complete piece..

I've used:

  • Broken Accessorize gold leaf pendant neckalce
  • Gold chain
  • 12 small glass pearls
  • 8 chunky golden oval pearls

... took me long enough to actually maqke something with this pendant, I bought i back in November and just never had any inspiration to enable me to do anything with it, perhaps the New Year has inspired my mojo!


  1. this is lovely! you got yourself settled with a place yet?
    hope all is well

  2. Its fantastic!!! :) A great idea and thanks for joining in with the SSC challenge.

    Vanessa. :)


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