
Friday 14 January 2011

welcome sign tutorial

So we've been in our new place for a month now, the xmas decorations are down and I think it's looking a little empty without them so I'm off on another making tangent to fill the voids the decorations left... So for our inner front door I'm making a Welcome sign.

If you want to make on you'll need:
  • Scrapbook paper
  • Wooden/ papier mache word sign
  • Craft wire
  • Mod podge
  • White paint
  • Pliers
  • Craft knife
  • Sponge/ brush
  • Embellishments (not pictured)
  • Sandpaper (not pictured)

1. Cover the forward facing side of your word in mod podge and stick it to the back of your scrapbook paper.

2. Leave to dry and then trim the excess paper down.

3. Using the craft knife very carefully cut round the letters to remove the excess paper so you can see the word fully.

4. Paint the edges of the word with the white paint. Don't worry if it drips over the paper a little bit (I found it gave it character and looked good when I sanded it later). Leave to dry.

5.Once the paint has dried cover the whole thing with a good layer of mod podge and leave to dry.

6. Take a piece of sandpaper and rough the egdes around the word to give it a worn look.

7. Take the wire and the pliers, leave 3 inches at each end of the wire straight, wrap the wire round the nose of the pliers to form the desired number of loops. (I did 6 either side). Repeat for the other end of the wire.

8. Loop one end of the wire through the loop of the 'e' and twist to finish it. Repeat this with the other end using the arm of the 'w'.

9. Your word should now hang beautifully from a hook but if like me you think it looks a little naked then embellish it with ribbons, buttons or whatever takes your fancy!

I'm linking this to the lovely parties listed on the right hand side and also to this weeks Crafty Creations Challenge


  1. Just popped over to say hi, I'm back on my blog after going awol lol. Love all your latest stuff and that sign is fab! I see your now working for british airways, well done you! All that hard work paid off. Donna x

  2. Super cute! Love the paper you used!
    Thanks for linking up! :)

  3. love your welcome sign ~just perfect
    vanessa xx

  4. VERY cute! I just love polka dots.

  5. Hi Steph!! Love your welcome sign!! Hope all is well; congrats on your job with British airways!! So great to see you playing the Crafty Creations challenge!!

  6. what a fun sign! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesdays!


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