
Wednesday 16 March 2011

Anthro Contrasting Beauty Knockoff Tutorial

Just in case you didn't see this tutorial when I guest posted it over at A Glimpse Inside last week I thought I'd share it here too...
So I know I keep saying I will stop making jewellery but I just couldn't resist having a go at making this anthro beauty.. it's called Contrasting Beauty and for the horrifying price tag it's £268!

This photo shows the anthro version next to my version for comparison... If you want to have a go then you'll need:
  • Pliers
  • Wire cutters
  • Beading wire
  • Silver clasp
  • 8 x 6mm pearlescent beads
  • 85 x 6mm pearls
  • 14 x glass rectangle beads
  • 85 x 4mm black bicone beads
  • 2 silver crimp beads

So now to start making the necklace....

1. Cut 3 lengths of beading wire: 36 inches long, 34 inches long and 27 inches long.

2. Thread the 3 lengths of beading wire through a crimp bead, through the heart clasp loop and back through the crimp bead. 3. Crimp the crimp bead with the pliers.

4. Thread the first black bicone bead onto all three lengths of beading wire, feed the loose ends through the bead to secure them. 5. Keep threading black bicone beads on till there are 50 beads on the threads. 6. Take the 2 longest lengths and thread 5 pearls onto them. 7. Take the longest strand and thread the 8 pearlescent beads onto it. 8. Take the mid length of wire and thread 9 pearls on. 9. Take the mid and long lengths of wire and thread 4 pearls on. 10. Take the long length and thread the 14 rectangle beads on. 11.Take the mid length and thread on 21 pearls.

12. Take the mid and long length and thread on 14 pearls. This is how the necklace should be shaping up by now.... 13. Take the short length and thread on 39 pearls. 14. Take all 3 lengths of wire and thread the remaining 35 black bicone beads. 15. Thread a crimp bead onto the 3 wire lengths, pass through the clasp bar attachment loop.

16. Thread the wire back throught the crimp bead and crimp with pliers. 17. Trim the excess wire down and thread through the closest bead to secure it.

Now the necklace is finished and I hope you love it as much as I do... and it cost me nothing as I had all this stashed away in my craft room :) I used a heart clasp on it just to make it my own rather than a total replica piece


  1. So Beautiful!! you did such a great job!!

  2. very pretty. You did a great job! I love knock offs.


  3. awesome!!! it looks just like it! Only better cause you made it! thanks for sharing!

  4. oh and you are right about the price being horrifying! makes you wonder what they are making those products with... hmmm

  5. Thanks for linking up your fabulous necklace Steph! :)

  6. I love this, what a great idea! Thank you for sharing it on Masterpiece Monday. Have a great week, Mary :O)

  7. What a pretty necklace!!! Thanks for sharing it on Fancy This Fridays this week! :)

  8. This is really pretty! Great job! Thank you for linking up at Ten Buck Tuesday!

  9. Hi! This looks awesome! I host a weekly blog hop -- It's a Keeper Thursdays. I'd love for you to stop by and link up!

    Christina @ It's a Keeper

  10. Steph, you did an amazing job. I love knock offs and this one rocks!!! Keep up the good work :)

  11. Hi Steph,
    You did an amazing job. This necklace rocks!! Love when we can knock it off for a lot less!!
    Keep up the good work :)


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