
Thursday 3 March 2011

Lace Bow Headband

Finally getting around to making some projects that I've had stored in my ideas folder for ages now and uses some of the bits I swore when I bought them would be used in the coming days... well a few months later they are starting to!
Taking a brief break from jewellery, (well no not really I've got 2 necklaces to blog in the next week) I decided to have a go at a headband.. Now I'm worried that I look daft wearing it, perhaps too old (old?!? I'm 22!) or maybe I'm just not used to wearing them? Does it look ok? I took a simple skinny plastic headband and hotglued some off-white lace that I wrapped round the band. The I made a cute vintage bow using Amie over at Kitty Cats & Airplanes tutorial for her Anthro Fanny Bow knockoff and hot glued a small piece of white felt round the headband to the back of the bow to secure it to the band....and voila it's finished :)
Quick, simple and I love it! Need many more in different colours and materials I think. I'm linking this up to the lovely parties linked on the right hand side.


  1. LOVE it!


  2. Very cute and super easy! Thanks for linking up!

  3. This is really cute!! I love making headbands :)

  4. Oh and PS: Today is the last day to enter my first ever giveaway on my blog, and I'd love if you'd stop by and enter! Check it out:

  5. Turned out lovely. Thank you for sharing.
    Don't forget to join me for More The Merrier Monday and link up all of your great projects.


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