
Thursday 26 May 2011

Fascinator Refashion

In a few weekends time the girls and I are heading off to Ascot for a day at the races (for my non UK readers, Ascot is a posh little town in Berkshire that's very expensive for everything, google it, it's lovely), so it's posh dresses and hats/fascinators all round! So after spending quite a bit on my dress I was reluctant to spend a further £50 for a fascinator seeing as it's not something I will probably wear very often after Ascot I decided to do it the thrifty way... also means I don't have the same fascinator from Debenhams as everyone else there lol.
I started by raiding all the charity shops for a basic black fascinator and failed miserably.. mum even tried although she confused one poor old lady who thought mum was asking to be fascinated rather than asking if they had fascinators lol! My dress is black and white stripes.. will add more pictures come the weekend in june.. so a simple monochrome fascinator is all I need.
I ended up with a cheap cute black fascinator from Claires Accessories and took it to my local fabric shop to buy some goodies to dress it up a bit.. I bought white ribbon with glittery edges, fluffy white feathers and a black+white flower to replace the rubbish plastic gem in the centre.
Here's the before and after shots of the fascinator...
..and because I know there will always be someone who wants to see it on, here's a photo of me total underdressed wearing my fascinator :)


  1. The first time I heard the term fascinator, it had to do with the Royal Wedding. Believe me, I like your fascinator way better than the antlers worn by Princess Beatrice. LOL

    Have fun at Ascot!

  2. For me as a Dutch woman, this is completely new to me., both the term and the kind of hat.

  3. cute. good job! Have a lovely day! Maria

  4. Very nice Steph!! I've never been to the races, but I sooo love the fashion! Might just have to go one day :D

  5. Have fun at the races and show off your cute little head piece! ;)
    Thank you so much for linking this up with {nifty thrifty sunday} last week!
    I hope to see you again tomorrow!

  6. This is one of things I love about Britain is those gorgeous fascinators. They're exactly that. Fascinating.. lol! Anyways, great job, I love it!!


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