
Monday 16 May 2011

Jujub Jersey Bracelet

On my daily stalk of Ucreate on saturday I came across a fab tutorial on how to make a jersey rosette bracelet fraom the ladies over at JuJub, so as a break from doing my uni work I decided to make myself one... no doubt there will end up being more in many different colours too as they are great!

For mine I used an old thin knit scarf that I'm told by my boyfriend makes me look too studenty so I shouldn't be seen out with him wearing it... so it's being repurposed again into something that I can get away with wearing.. as if I'd throw one of my favourite scarves away permanently!

So here's my jersey rosette bracelet...


  1. stunning bracelet~ love the black and white!
    vanessa xx

  2. I LOVE IT!! Thanks for taking a pic for us! So cool it was out of an old scarf!:)
    -B from jujuB


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