
Thursday 23 June 2011

Another Fascinating Fascinator

In May I posted my fascinator refashion for going to Royal Ascot to the races with the girls (if you've forgotten my fascinator is here)... well after I finished mine one of my friends was struggling to find a fascinator that ticked every box for her. She wanted the right colours, a good size but most importantly it had to be on a separator clip not a headband or comb grip... So guess what happened...

I made her one!

Back to Claire's Accessories we went and ended up with the same fascinator that I bought but in ivory, then we went to the local fabric shop with her dress and found matching ribbon, feathers and a cute little butterfly for the centre to hide the stitches... Then came to the assembling... starting with carefully removing the fascinator from the headband, not as easy as I had hoped, and attaching it to a separator clip...then making it look awesome!

This is what we ended up with after an hour of working on it...
And as I promised a photo of me wearing my fascinator with the dress to give you the full effect of the outfit. The necklace was a refashion too, a cheapy black necklace from Primark that had been through the wars... only cost £2 in the sale and with some black spray paint and white paint it's interesting and blends with the dress...
So here's a photo of us together sporting the refashioned fascinators.... yes the stripes clash terribly we learnt to not stand next to each other in photos after this lol!


  1. Very cute and sassy! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Aboslutely love it! Thanks for linking up to the Throwback Thursday party.

  3. So do you just customise or do you make your items from scratch? Your blog is looking really good and established. I only started mine last week. What advice could you give a first time crafting blogger?

  4. I think fascinators are just too cute! Thanks for sharing how you made them! I may need to go to Claire's now and make one!

  5. That's a friday's favorite for sure! My wedding cake topper is sporting her own fascinator this weekend :-)


  6. So cute.

    I am just reminding everyone about tonights link party that runs Friday evening through Mondays!
    I also have an ongoing give away link party now too.
    Hope to see you soon.
    come strut your stuff

  7. Hi I'm doing a Giveaway on my blog and would love to give you a chance to win some adorable 4th of July Hair Clips! They're great for baby girls & toddlers!

    Come on over and check it out:

  8. You are so talented!!!

  9. Very cute! Thanks for linking up and sharing!

  10. Love this! Come see my daughter's Ascot inspired Easter hats. And soon I will be wearing my own hat. Come see the Union Jack chair. Oh, just come over know will ya! By the way how do you make those fascinators? I would like one for almost every Sunday.

  11. Very cute!
    I have yet to try my hand at them but I am dying to!!

  12. What a great idea, I would never have thought to make my own! Yours looks great too!

  13. You both look stunning, you clever thing! I adore fascinators and I seriously covet the black and white dress, looks like you had a fun day

  14. Very cute!
    Thank you so much for linking it up to {nifty thrifty sunday} last week!
    Hope to see more of your creativity tonight! :)

  15. lovely fascinator! and lovely, lovely ladies! have a nice weekend, Steph!

  16. Hi, Steph! I'm admiring all your creative posts here. Can you please share them at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop? Hope to see you there at the party :)


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