
Saturday 9 July 2011

Featured Over At Aunt Pegs

Wow I never thought 6 months after I posted anything on this blog that people would still be talking about it... but I'm wrong (for a change lol)! This morning I woke up to an email from Amber over at Aunt Peg's Handmade Jewelry and Treasures saying that today they were featuring me and one of my tutorials... can anyone guess which it is?

Yes it's the infamous Anthro Power of 3 knockoff I did back in January, if anybody missed it the tutorial is here.

Never though I'd see my work kicking around people's interest this long, to be honest I'm quite proud of myself for this tutorial it's been featured across quite a few blogs now and is on quite a few people's pinterest boards too.
So thanks to Aunt Peg's for featuring me!

1 comment:

  1. this is gorgeous! No wonder people are still featuring it x


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