
Sunday 14 August 2011

Featured over at... Wiccan Make Some Too

Found another comment last night syaing my T-shirt stripy skirt was going to be featured as a highlight from last weeks party.. this time it was from Beth over at Wiccan Make Some Too She has recently started up a weekly linky party so drop by and join in!
Thanks for featuring my skirt Beth :)

and today (15/8) over at Dittle Dattle too


  1. You are so welcome Steph! Hope to see more wickedly amazing things from you in the weeks to come on my Wickedly Crafty Saturdays. (hint, hint)

  2. Hey Steph, guess what?? You won the blog redesign on my blog, Southern Lovely! I guess you must have missed my post on google reader. Anyway, contact me with your email so Cindy can do some magic on this blog of yours! Congrats!


Hi and thanks for dropping by to leave me a comment....