
Thursday 1 September 2011

Wedding Order - Just Married Flags

You know when you're out in shops and see things you think are cute, then check the price tag and think 'how much?! I could make them so much cheaper!' Well that's what these flags are... A friend and I were out shopping the other week talking about her cousins wedding, she's planning it, when we saw some simple just married flags in a shop.... they were £4.50 each! So I got her to hold up one of the flags so I could take a photo on my Blackberry for reference and make some up myself for her.

After messing around with fonts on the computer and printing out plenty of test sheets to position the words right for when the card gets folded round the dowel... test punching the hearts till I figured where the perfect position was to line up with the words... I finally finished up with these lovelies...I had to 'force' myself to buy the heart punch, as somehow it's the one shape punch I didn't already have in my collection... and then I found some super (now I won't call them kiddies, though they were near the kiddies craft section in the shop) shaped edge scissors - a zigzag pair and a scalloped pair. The scalloped pair were perfect for cutting the flag's edge, then I used a silver pen and made a dot in each scallop to just add an extra little 'zing' to it.
Only charged £2 a piece for them, so that's a super saving for her... and a lot of spare dowel for me so I think Imay be doing some more flags for other occasions too, I'm thinking babies, anniversaries and birthdays so far...



  1. new follower from one of the craft linkys!! love your blog and all the different crafts you've made.

  2. Love these flags they are so cute!

  3. Thank you for sharing at Bacon Time. These flags are great! I love diy projects that save money.

  4. Hi thanks for linking up to Whatever Wednesday! I think these flags are a great idea!! You should defs do them for other occasions. :)

  5. Thanks so much for linking up at the party!

    Melanie :)

  6. So cute!
    I am hosting a link party going on right now. I'd love it if you came by & linked up!

    Chrissy @ ForMamas

  7. love just married stuff!!! so cute:)

  8. Well done Steph!! I do that all the time... I can MAKE that! haha. Thanks for sharing on Fancy This Fridays!!!

  9. these are really cute! Thanks for sharing this with us, love. We are featuring it on the blog today ^^)

    Have a lovely weekend!


  10. Very pretty designs :)
    I am a new gfc follower from a wednesday blog hop. Smile.

  11. they look so cute! I would love it if you would share this and/or any other projects you have been up to at Tuesday Talent Show at Chef In Training! Thanks so much and I hope to see you there!


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