
Sunday 23 October 2011

Dahlia Flower Brooches

Here's the felt dahlia flower brooches that I had left over from the craft market the other weekend... I absolutely love them, so I was quite hurt by some miserable womens' comments as they passed. One said 'Oh what are they?' The other replied 'felt dahlia brooches, darling', 'Oh well they just look a bit weird what would you do with it?!' How rude I was standing 2ft away from them and yes they are entitled to their opinions but perhaps they could have taken them away from my stall where there were appreciative customers looking to buy these lovely brooches that mum and I were sporting on our jackets that day too!
Some people do just annoy me, if it's not your cup of tea why make a fuss, just walk on by and go buy some generic shop brooch that everyone else has! I've made many of these as gifts for friends and family, donated a few as prizes for charity raffles and never had bad feedback on them. These lovelies are still up for sale on my facebook page and I'm always making more in different colours too.
Rant over, I just wish people were a little more openminded or stayed away from things they don't understand.



  1. That is so rude!! And unneccessery!! I am doing a craft fair in 2 weeks and I am so nervous for this type of thing, our area is not really renouned for it's understanding of handmade. I think my stuff will flop but I promised my SIL I would do it with her! eek x.

    I think they are beautiful! I have tried them and mine were a big fat fail! x

  2. thanks for the support...and good luck to u two ladies :) x

  3. I think they are so cute! I would have the perfect bag to put them on.

  4. Oh this is gorgeous!! I would LOVE it if you would link this up at my turquoise lovin' party going on right now!!

  5. Well I love them and those ladies can just go be mean somewhere else! Seriously, they were the first link I clicked on at What's Up Wednesday. LOVE them!

  6. Well, If I had been at your booth, I would have not only complemented you on these flowers, I would have bought the dark red, fu-eee to her!

    and just to make her mad, come link this up to our Rockin' link party going on now at RoCa and Company. Here is the link: Come and show off what you got. Hope to see you there...

    Remember...YOU ROCK!!

    Carmen @ RoCa and Company

  7. These flowers are just gorgeous! :-D Can't wait to go buy some felt and try making my own version! Great job!

  8. They are so pretty! Thank you for visiting my link party. :)

  9. that was so rude! some people are prettier with their mouth closed! Your dahlia brooches are so pretty, love. thanks for sharing them with us!


  10. How rude! And totally silly considering how lovely these are! I love working with felt and I think you've done a great job with these =)


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