
Tuesday 20 March 2012

Christening Flags

 Ok so I know it's been an awful long time since I blogged, just been having one of those 'is it worth me blogging, what's the point?' moments and I've decided I do need my blog as so many of you that I chat with haven't yet ventured over to my facebook page to keep in touch, I miss you guys!

So anyway uni is still dragging on (only 3 months to go!) but I'm still trying to fit in orders and craft stalls when I can.... Here's an order that I got shipped out over the weekend for a lovely lady who wanted 50.. yes 50... of my celebration flags for her Godson's Christening..

Started off  with a couple of samples to iron out all the kinks and agree on the perfect design...

I even had an excuse to go out and buy an aeroplane shaped punch, love it!

 Have you ever hand tied 50 little 6" ribbon bows before? Neither had I but boy did my fingers hurt afterwards! Not to mention how silly did I look at work, fixing seats on a 767 with a little bag of bows that I'd been tying sat in my tooltray all evening so I could tie a couple when I had a spare moment lol.

Here's how the pile looked just before Mum helped me package them all up, she loves wrapping presents so she was ideal for the job...

...Just heard that they arrived with the lady yesterday and she's over the moon with them, so I'm glad to hear that, another happy customer of Southern Fairy Designs :)



  1. I love these, they're so cute! I'm a new follower and would love to have you stop by my new blog and follow, too. My first link party/give-away is running now through Saturday night. I'd love to have you share this!


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