Thursday 4 August 2011

T-shirt Stripy Skirt

Let me start by saying how over the moon I am with this skirt! So glad it all worked out right in the end after all the confusion trying to figure how to pin all the strips together so it all flipped out the right way... very very happy with the result!

So here's my stripy skirt made from strips cut from t-shirts...
LOVE IT! So I took the tutorial from Cutton And Curls here to make my skirt... yes it's another idea from my Pinterest board I know I'm on fire working my way through my boards projects but there's still so many left to try!
Can anyone else tell I'm totally in love with this skirt yet? Only thing I'm thinking is that if I make another one I may take a t-shirt of a smaller size to make the waist band to save taking it in... or making little belt loops for some ribbon to hold it up better and look pretty too?

Should mention that my man loves this... not only is it a nice skirt to him but it's black and white stripes just his football team's kit.... Newcastle United lol oh dear!


Anonymous said...

I'm so impressed this is made from tshirts.

Anonymous said...

I'm so impressed this is made from just tshirts

Lindsay said...

I LOVE this! I made a skirt a few weeks ago, so I may have to try this out as well.

By the way, I am doing my first ever giveaway, a blog redesign! Check it out!

Tanya Anurag said...

You made it out of t-shirt :O :O Looks like it's straight out of some store. Well done!!

I am hosting my first link-up party - Tea Time Thursdays @ Kreative Korner. Would be glad to see some of your awesome posts there. Hope to see you at the party.

Anonymous said...

wow gr8 to discover ur blog thgh tanya's...soo ur follower now

Seaweed and Raine said...

Fantastic skirt!!! I can totally see why your man would love it - I'm sure mine would like it too... Must see about some T-shirts. Thanks for the link :)

Unknown said...

Love it! It looks amazing on you.. now to get my hands on some of my hubby's old T-shirts! Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party.. can't wait to see what you share next!

Sam Findlay said...

What a great skirt! It looks amazing on as well!

SJ @ Homemaker On A Dime said...

This post made me smile. Thanks for inspiring me and many others to even attempt this feat. Really appreciate that you linked up at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop.

Erin of said...

This skirt is super cute! Well done! Thank you so much for linking up and partying at Home Savvy A to Z!

Helen @ Bettencourt Chase said...

That's so cute! I'll have to try that for myself. :)

Originally Yours said...

How cute is that skirt! I want one! Nice blog (o:

Anonymous said...

What a cute skirt! That is such a creative idea!

Kimberly Moore said...

That is sooooo cute! I'm obsessed with stripes right now so I might just need to try this...

Brit said...

Dazzling!! It is adorable, and looks great on you! Nice job. We are featuring it on our blog tomorrow! Stop by and grab your "bragging" button ;)

Jill said...

Brilliant skirt! And just perfect for your husband to wear to the next magpies footy match!! :)

Thanks for linking to the Creating Success Worldwide blog hop!! Hope you'll come back again next week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

~Iffy~ @ StayAtHomeNation said...

Thank you so much for sharing this at my Favorite Things Friday Party! I can't wait to see what you link up this week! My party is now live.

Unknown said...

Now THAT is a SWEET upcycle! You could turn any old ugly t-shirt into a pretty skirt now!! Thanks for sharing this on Fancy This Fridays!!

Sachiko said...

The skirt is so pretty! Thank you for sharing this with us!

Unknown said...

Well, that is such a pretty skirt, Steph! No wonder you and your man likes it ^^) thanks for sharing it with us and we hope to see you at the party again this week!

have a fab weekend!


Beth@Wiccan Make Some Too said...

Thanks for linking this up to my Wickedly Crafty Saturdays! You were featured! Poof on over & grab a "featured" button! Get ready to show me some more wickedly awesome stuff!

BreAna {Sugar and Spice and All Things Iced} said...

What a great idea! I might have to give this a shot for my little girls! Thanks for sharing!!

April said...

I love this...but what if you have a booty? will it still work? no really....I will try it out! LOVES...i hope you will link up here:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just wanted to stop by and say thanks so much for joining the Stache Party in August and sharing your creativity with everyone! I hope you'll come back in September!